Quickly, grab onto my Brococli and let's go on a magical adventure!

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Search results

  1. Myrrdin

    New server: Jazztronauts

    Hi everyone! Just wanted to let you know that we now have a new server up, Jazztronauts steam://connect/ Enjoy!
  2. Myrrdin

    Rules Slight clarifications on rules and punishments

    Hey guys! We have updated the general rules to include some nuances to the various offenses and punishments. Make sure that you keep up to date! https://gmisback.brococlimode.com/rules/
  3. Myrrdin

    The Prop Hunt Beta is now open to the community!

    Hi everyone! If you want to try out the new Prop Hunt Beta, you can find the details below. Do note that it is not finalized yet and a lot of the addons and configurations are missing as this is a dev server. Please report any gameplay issues via the normal formal methods. IP...
  4. Myrrdin

    Information Expect some downtime of our services this weekend due to a server move!

    Hi! We will be moving our hosting to a new webserver sometime this weekend (starting today, you may experience some downtime). It will affect FastDL and anything else that is loaded through our webserver. Take note of that before you post any bug reports. We should be all good on Sunday at the...
  5. Myrrdin

    Information You can now see work in progress in its own discord channel!

    Hi everyone! Some of you have requested more transparency concerning what is going on at the moment development-wise (by asking when things are done etc). Therefore, I felt it prudent to share a channel with you all that we have had for some time in the staff area; work-in-progress I will...
  6. Myrrdin

    Information Decision concerning "Fun" Sweps on the HNS Server

    Hi! Quite recently there was a vote concerning whether the sweps should no longer be possible to use to break props, and I would like to address this right here and now. The only swep that should be able to break anything is the default swep (Slap, Parkour). All the other Sweps that were added...
  7. Myrrdin

    Massive Murder update implemented - Disguising with pointshop, skin and bodygroup support!

    Hi everyone! Massive update, with more to come :) Fixes Changes
  8. Myrrdin

    Animated emotes are now available to everyone in the Emotes Shop!

    In the past, the animated emotes have only been reserved for VIP and above. The testing period is officially over, and as such; we are opening these up to the public. The only emotes that will remain VIP and above are the holographic emotes. Remember that you however can earn or purchase...
  9. Myrrdin

    Information Murder server added to the roster

    Hi everyone! Our new Murder server is now open to the public! It will take some time to grow it, but with our determination and your help we are sure it will become quite popular. Enjoy! Hostname: steam://connect/
  10. Myrrdin

    Welcome to Senior Staff, Bran!

    It is our "divine" pleasure to hereby promote @bran to the rank of Senior Staff, which he so graciously expected. Stay fabulous, stay awesome. Welcome to the senior team <3
  11. Myrrdin

    Private Playermodels created/uploaded after Jan 2020 can now be 10 MB in size!

    Hi all! Due to the workshop changes come January 2020, true sizes are shown for anything uploaded after that time. As such, we have increased the cap accordingly on private playermodels created/updated after that date. Hope this helps expand your choices!
  12. Myrrdin

    You now gain XP towards your Discord lvl/rank in all channels

    Just thought you guys would know :) Previously it was restricted in most channels and they did not give any xp.
  13. Myrrdin

    Improved call for staff feature via the tab menu

    Hi guys & gals! I have now implemented some improvements for the "Call For Staff" feature on the tab menu. You are now prompted to provide a reasoning for the request. This reasoning is then transmitted as a request to our Discord Admin Channels via APIs. Abuse of this feature will be punished...
  14. Myrrdin

    New achievements, rewards and features for PH & HNS!

    Hi guys & gals! I spent the better part of the day with updating the servers quite a bit with new content and addons. As a result, we have a new gui for a lot of the old addons and on top of that; we also have some new features: The !showtime <player> command is now available on both servers...
  15. Myrrdin

    I'm back b*tches!

    Hey everyone! So... I've been away for quite some time. I have checked in every now and then but for the most part I have not touched gmod nor the servers for the better part of this year due to focusing more on IRL stuff and other interests. I have decided to ease my way back into the...
  16. Myrrdin

    The Prop Hunt Revamp you have been waiting for is here!

    Hi everyone! Lately we have spent a lot of time focusing on our Prop Hunt server and the issues that we have had in the past. I am very happy to say that we have made great progress! Things that have been addressed: Lack of modern taunts - 100+ more modern taunts added! Outdated loading screen...
  17. Myrrdin

    Latest: New webshop with private playermodels, private taunts, custom titles and more! Can be earned!

    Hi guys! As we are working on revamping our servers and in a sense doing a little soft re-launch, we wanted to make sure that our offerings are also updated and a bit more modern. As such, I hereby present to you our new Webshop! As stated it includes some crazy offers such as: One private...